Our dedicated staff have a wealth of experience in Early Years education. They are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Preschool, helping to make it a special place at the heart of the community.
Amie Sawer
Administration Manager Amie is our Administration Manager, taking care of day-to-day administration, finance, regulatory compliance, admissions and liaison between the preschool staff, parents and trustees. |
Shannon Arthurs
Early Years Level 3
Early Years Level 3
Rachel Hawton
Playroom Assistant Early Years Level 3 |
Claire Hayes
Playroom Assistant Early Years Level 3 |
Sammy Badham
Playroom Assistant Early Years Level 3 |
Izzy Coe
Playroom Assistant Early Years Level 2 |
Marlen Siegert
Playroom Assistant |
Karen Lord
Bank Staff Early Years Level 3 |
Carolyn Gomm
Bank Staff Early Years Level 3 |
We are always happy to talk to experienced or apprenticeship staff about starting a new career opportunity with us at Heavitree Community Preschool.